Purchase Order Management / Shipment Confirmation (ASN)
PO management module allows vendors to have visibility to their own purchase orders with you. Vendors can confirm the purchase orders and provide dispatch advice using this screen. The confirmation typically has the date of pick up/delivery, list of purchase orders and items involved and confirmed quantities. A purchase order can have multiple shipments. Similarly, a shipment may involve more than one purchase order. Companies typically use this information (Advance Shipment Notification) to drive vendor non-compliance calculations, and plan transportation loads.
Using this module, suppliers can advise you of any disruptions and delays in delivering the purchase order. The ASN/Shipment confirmation can be sent to the warehouse management system to plan their receipts. Companies may also use this information to plan their routes for purchase order pick-ups. If the cube and volume provided the vendor is significantly different from that calculated based on MDM data, the vendor can fix the dimensions of the item and fix the master data. In the USA, most major companies have EDI exchange established with the vendors. However, this module can be useful for specific scenarios involving smaller vendors as well as for online PO confirmation for pickups.

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